We have a secret in our culture, and it's not that birth is painful.
It's that women are strong.
~Laura Stavoe Harm
About Me

Hello! My name is Emily Likens and I am pleased that you are looking into different childbirth choices.
It is my belief that babies should be born into a safe and loving environment. It is their right to be held, kissed and admired immediately by those who love them the most. I believe that home birth, with a trained midwife in attendance, is a safe option for healthy women who desire to give birth in the comfort of their homes. I believe that part of a maintaining a healthy pregnancy and delivery is achieved by making responsible, informed choices. It is my goal as your midwife to provide you with accurate and current information from which you can make an informed decision regarding your care.
My personal background
I was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, the younger of two girls. I graduated from Cranbrook Kingswood High School in 1996 and attended University of Arizona in Tucson. I moved toColorado in 1998 and in 2000 I married my sweetheart, Robert. We have four sons: Joel (23), Gideon (21), Jonas (19), and Elias (18). Joel, Jonas and Elias were planned home births. Gideon was a planned hospital birth. After the exhilarating home birth of my first son Joel, I knew I wanted to be a midwife but because we were raising a young family, I put that pursuit on hold. At the birth of Jonas, my third son, I had a doula with me which was an immense help and comfort. Because of that experience, and with my husband’s support and encouragement, I decided to become a birth doula. I wanted to help other women during the birth process. Although I loved providing labor support to mothers, I felt discouraged with the impersonal care that mothers can receive in the hospital during this special time of transformation. In June of 2008, I began assisting a skilled midwife in Colorado Springs with prenatal, labor/delivery, and postpartum care. Working alongside her, I was inspired to pursue midwifery, not only as a profession but, I believe, as a calling to serve women and babies. It is my belief that women should be supported in their pregnancy and birthing choices. I believe that homebirth with a trained midwife in attendance, is a reasonable option for healthy women who desire to give birth in the comfort of their homes. I believe that a client’s ability to make informed decisions and have medical autonomy is part of having a healthy, low risk pregnancy and delivery. I value the midwife/client relationship and strive to offer evidenced based information and care in my midwifery practice.
While most planned home births occur without complications, I have seen and helped manage the following complications:
• Fetal distress in labor
• Abnormal bleeding in labor
• Prolonged labor with little or no progress
• Posterior labor and delivery
• Stuck shoulders during delivery
• Hospital transport during labor
• Prolonged pushing with arrested progress
• Maternal hemorrhage after the birth
• Slow to start newborn
• Bleeding during pregnancy/labor
• Respiratory distress in the newborn
• Retained placenta/Manual removal
• Chorioamnionitis
• Breech presentation and/or delivery
• Tight nuchal cord
• Compound presentation
• Twins
• True Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)
• Covid 19 infection and complications
• Preeclampsia and ICP in pregnancy
Highlights of my Education and Training
• Licensed Midwife (LM) through the State of Michigan
• Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) with North American Registry of Midwives (NARM)
• Continuing Education as a midwife is ongoing and includes NRP and CPR Certifications
• Current continuing education on various, relevant midwifery topics such as: Normal newborn health and screenings, Lactation, tongue tie, and breastfeeding; Mother-baby Dyad; Pregnancy and Covid19
• 2010-2021 Participated at CMA, Kansas City Midwives, and MMA conferences for education and training
• 2017- 2021 served as Secretary for the Michigan Midwives Association
• 2018- Mercy In Action Pharmacology Course; Cultural Sensitivity Course; MMA workshops/trainings
2016- Attended Spinning Babies World Confluence
• 2015- Attended Twins, Breech, and Advanced Complications Seminar
• 2015- Graduated Summa Cum Laude with ASM from Midwives College of Utah
• 2013- Research article published in Midwifery Today
• 2013- Passed North American Registry of Midwives professional certifying exam
• 2012/2013- Attended MCU skills conference; Suturing/IV workshops in CO and MI
• 2012- Worked at Dar a Luz birth center in Sedalia, MO
• 2011- Named Midwives College of Utah's Student of Excellence
• 2006- LDM training in facilitating healing for trauma and abuse survivors
2005 Birth doula certification Academy of Childbirth Educators and DONA
It is my belief that babies should be born into a safe and loving environment. It is their right to be held, kissed and admired immediately by those who love them the most. I believe that home birth, with a trained midwife in attendance, is a safe option for healthy women who desire to give birth in the comfort of their homes. I believe that part of a maintaining a healthy pregnancy and delivery is achieved by making responsible, informed choices. It is my goal as your midwife to provide you with accurate and current information from which you can make an informed decision regarding your care.
My personal background
I was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, the younger of two girls. I graduated from Cranbrook Kingswood High School in 1996 and attended University of Arizona in Tucson. I moved toColorado in 1998 and in 2000 I married my sweetheart, Robert. We have four sons: Joel (23), Gideon (21), Jonas (19), and Elias (18). Joel, Jonas and Elias were planned home births. Gideon was a planned hospital birth. After the exhilarating home birth of my first son Joel, I knew I wanted to be a midwife but because we were raising a young family, I put that pursuit on hold. At the birth of Jonas, my third son, I had a doula with me which was an immense help and comfort. Because of that experience, and with my husband’s support and encouragement, I decided to become a birth doula. I wanted to help other women during the birth process. Although I loved providing labor support to mothers, I felt discouraged with the impersonal care that mothers can receive in the hospital during this special time of transformation. In June of 2008, I began assisting a skilled midwife in Colorado Springs with prenatal, labor/delivery, and postpartum care. Working alongside her, I was inspired to pursue midwifery, not only as a profession but, I believe, as a calling to serve women and babies. It is my belief that women should be supported in their pregnancy and birthing choices. I believe that homebirth with a trained midwife in attendance, is a reasonable option for healthy women who desire to give birth in the comfort of their homes. I believe that a client’s ability to make informed decisions and have medical autonomy is part of having a healthy, low risk pregnancy and delivery. I value the midwife/client relationship and strive to offer evidenced based information and care in my midwifery practice.
While most planned home births occur without complications, I have seen and helped manage the following complications:
• Fetal distress in labor
• Abnormal bleeding in labor
• Prolonged labor with little or no progress
• Posterior labor and delivery
• Stuck shoulders during delivery
• Hospital transport during labor
• Prolonged pushing with arrested progress
• Maternal hemorrhage after the birth
• Slow to start newborn
• Bleeding during pregnancy/labor
• Respiratory distress in the newborn
• Retained placenta/Manual removal
• Chorioamnionitis
• Breech presentation and/or delivery
• Tight nuchal cord
• Compound presentation
• Twins
• True Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)
• Covid 19 infection and complications
• Preeclampsia and ICP in pregnancy
Highlights of my Education and Training
• Licensed Midwife (LM) through the State of Michigan
• Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) with North American Registry of Midwives (NARM)
• Continuing Education as a midwife is ongoing and includes NRP and CPR Certifications
• Current continuing education on various, relevant midwifery topics such as: Normal newborn health and screenings, Lactation, tongue tie, and breastfeeding; Mother-baby Dyad; Pregnancy and Covid19
• 2010-2021 Participated at CMA, Kansas City Midwives, and MMA conferences for education and training
• 2017- 2021 served as Secretary for the Michigan Midwives Association
• 2018- Mercy In Action Pharmacology Course; Cultural Sensitivity Course; MMA workshops/trainings
2016- Attended Spinning Babies World Confluence
• 2015- Attended Twins, Breech, and Advanced Complications Seminar
• 2015- Graduated Summa Cum Laude with ASM from Midwives College of Utah
• 2013- Research article published in Midwifery Today
• 2013- Passed North American Registry of Midwives professional certifying exam
• 2012/2013- Attended MCU skills conference; Suturing/IV workshops in CO and MI
• 2012- Worked at Dar a Luz birth center in Sedalia, MO
• 2011- Named Midwives College of Utah's Student of Excellence
• 2006- LDM training in facilitating healing for trauma and abuse survivors
2005 Birth doula certification Academy of Childbirth Educators and DONA